Holiday trees make Conneaut Lake shine bright

Holiday trees make Conneaut Lake shine bright: More than 100 trees shine bright at Conneaut Lake. Many of them appear to be floating on water, but they are on the docks and land that stretch into the land.    These 20 foot tall, commercial grade LED lit trees are specially designed by two local Conneaut men. Dave Stefanucci and Dane Lang cam up with the idea in 2006.    'I love color, I love Christmas and when I came out here in 2005, there weren't any lights out here,' said Stefanucci.    They special design the colorful trees to be durable and withstand winter weather.    They place a flag pole in the gowned, the lights  are all attached at the top, and everything is anchored to the ground.    The lights are on a timer, each tree turns on at five o'clock in the evening. The men install each try by themselves.   ' We are just really proud of the way that things have taken off and we are proud of the community being such a good part it,' said Lang.    They told JET 24 Action News, they are already taking orders for next year.


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